Sales information
Our catalog contains only high quality and reliable products from the best manufacturers with long warranty periods proven in the field, always the latest versions of the products in competitive prices. We are distributors of leader companies in off-grid solar with more than 20 years experience that will be there to honor their product warranties. You may read more about us and our business partners here.
All products are shipped from Germany with FedEx, GLS or UPS and when in stock, they are delivered in most European destinations around 3-6 business days after ordering. If a product is not in stock an extra week will be needed for delivery; we'll inform you of the exact delivery time after ordering. Larger and heavier items and batteries can only be shipped with road transport, additional charges may be applied. Certain batteries and especially the Sonnenshein, Hoppecke and the classic OPzS batteries, have longer delivery times. Please note that the SOLARA and DCsolar products are currently shipped only within the EU and certain non European destinations. You may see the shipping and VAT rates after adding an item to the cart and enter the country and postal code of delivery in checkout. Worldwide and express shipping available. You may read more details in our shipping section here.
100% secure payment with all major credit or debit cards via Stripe or PayPal. Bank transfer, many local payment methods and payment in 3 installments with Klarna are also available by Viva.com. Please contact us for our bank account or for alternative payment methods. Wise is also available for customers outside the eurozone.
Prices, invoices and VAT
Prices are shown with the VAT rate of the country of delivery, please choose your country in the country switcher so you see the prices with your VAT rate. We are registered in the EU's OSS (One Stop Shop) and we issue invoices with the VAT rate of the country of delivery. You may see the VAT and shipping rates of the country of delivery after adding an item to the cart, and then enter the country of delivery and the postal code in the checkout page. There will be no VAT applied automatically during checkout for customers in Norway, Switzerland and the UK.
UK deliveries
Please note that for UK deliveries, the courier will ask to be paid for the 20% UK VAT before the delivery along with a fee associated with customs clearance called disbursement fee; FedEx currently charges a flat fee of around £12.75 for most UK deliveries. There are no customs tariffs for products made in EU and most of the products of our online catalog. Please contact us for more information.
Business customers
EU VAT registered businesses or professionals registered in VIES qualify for a VAT-free (exempt) invoice. You may check if your EU business VAT number is eligible in the site of VIES or in our cart page. Please or enter your VAT number in the cart page so that the VAT is deducted automatically in the checkout page. You may also enter your VAT number next to the company's name in the checkout page when ordering so we'll provide you with an intra-community EU invoice; we'll refund you the VAT if you are registered in VIES and proceed with the payment. Alternatively, if you register on our website and include your VAT number, we'll adjust your business account and you'll be able to see the prices in checkout without VAT.
If you change your mind about your purchase you can return us the product to the warehouse in Germany and get a refund or exchange it for up to 14 days from the day you received it, provided that it is still in its new, unused condition and with its original packing. The buyer pays for the return shipping costs. Please contact us before so we can give an RMA number and the return address. We have a really low, approaching zero rate of returns because we only sell quality products.
With more than 1400 items sold via eBay only we have gained positive feedback from hundreds of customers around the world that appreciate the high standards of our products and services.
Other questions?
Please don't hesitate to contact us for technical, availability or other questions or if you can't find what you're looking for. We have more products available than what is listed in the website. The best way to contact us is via email or chat, we respond to most requests in less than 24 hours. We can help you find the right product or propose you a customized solution, please consult our off-grid systems overview. We speak English, Greek and Italian.
Ask us for a quote
Special prices for businesses and larger quantities, please ask us for a quote.